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The D.N.A. Code

Hey, hey, hey WARRIORS!! What’s up? I hope you guys are well and enjoying this nice fall weather we’ve finally started to receive. Now, on to why we’re gathered here (lol).

Have you ever been in a place where you felt like God is silent? I mean like He goes from pouring out infinite wisdom and revelation to a complete cease-fire? That has been me the past few weeks. Frustrated and asking, “God where are you?!”, I hear you for everyone else except myself. What am I doing wrong to cause me to close my ear off from you? Why have you left me?

See, I interpreted God’s silence as abandonment. I was looking for the amplified volume of his voice to silence the chatter of my own insecurities & idiosyncrasies. Seeing him in the same regard as my natural father (which He is not). God is such a gentleman that He won’t force us to receive Him or what He said. He gives us ‘free will’ to CHOOSE Him! So, it’s either draw near to Him & believe what is written or despise what He created & fashioned for purpose.

A lot of times we place these demands on God to “perform or demonstrate” but it’s limited to the metrics of man that we’ve known/encountered. Serving him a subpoena to appear in a courtroom when he’s already judge and jury (James 4:12)! It’s our job to pursue, not demand.

We allow our earthly genetic makeup to alter our original heavenly DNA, which is carriers of divine instructions for development, functioning, growth, and reproduction. Truth of the matter, I had not fully accepted my role as a daughter (Ephesians 1:4-5).

I accepted that I was free from the perils of a bloodline that I had no choice in, but I couldn’t come to realize that I was indeed loved [RECKLESSLY] and protected! I’ve been made aware that one of my heart’s greatest longings was not love alone; it was too for security and protection. Adoption was always a part of the plan, as a measure of safeguarding, to impart the reassurance of safety. When we feel safe we love freely, we trust, we submit, and embrace! As long as we’re in this flesh mistakes are inevitable so a part of His perfecting is to adopt it all and bring us closer (Psalm 27:10 NLT).

I had to get out of searching for a ‘feeling’ and just go! The Bible tells us, the people were healed as they went (Luke 12:14). Trusting that God would do what only He can even when you don’t see or feel it. Feelings are fleeting and fickle. Seeing something is not always of value if your perception and lens are still distorted.

To set the little girl within me free, I had to be an unrelenting woman to conquer what use to terrify me. Willing to mend all that was broken to clear the debris from the now. Remember the moments to rescue others but not cleave to the residue that imprisoned.

We can’t allow the woes of life to constantly trigger us to abandon the mission. The code to your future is: (1) staying the course even through the darkest of times. Your obedience is better than sacrifice. (2) Keep the mind of Christ. Low level thinking will only chain you to what was and cause you to miss out on what is. (3) Press into Him and His presence even when He goes silent (4) Grieve BUT understand, every loss isn’t a loss. Rejoice in the divine severing. (5) Silence does not equate to punishment! (6) Intimacy [drawing near to Him] will unlock and unleash things you could not imagine.

God is declaring D.N.A. in this season - DO NOT ABANDON. He is moving in silence because He wants to reverse engineer genetics. The assignment will not kill you! If you abandon now you’ll never reach the fullness of lies ahead. We all war, but allow your wars to awaken the WARRIOR that lives within!

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