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HighlightHER: Tasha Marie

Ladies & Gentlemen this first 'HighlightHER Q&A' segment is all about Miss Tasha Marie!

Her social media handles are: Facebook: Tasha Marie,

Instagram: @_tasha_marie_ & @beyondthejaggedpieces

Let's get into it honey!

Q: Who is Tasha Marie?

A: If you would have asked me this last year it would have been difficult to answer! Because who I thought I was, was shattered. I didn't know who I was anymore. Now, I have discovered Tasha Marie is strong (more than I ever thought). I love hard and I'm the most supportive person you'll ever meet. I care about the person, NOT their status, gifts, & etc. I'm an encourager and a giver. As I'm discovering my identity in Christ and learning to see myself the way He does I'm finding my voice and being for others what I needed someone to be for me.

Q: What inspires you the most?

A: Being around "Go Getters" or seeing people go so hard for what they want. Also, anyone who is working towards something rather it be bettering yourself, attending school, your relationship with God, business ventures, or simply trying not to cuss for a day! Lastly, moving to Atlanta. Though it was such a culture shock for me; seeing so many people with aspirations, drive, determination to accomplish their business, books, blogs or whatever their "IT" was, was inspiring to me.

Q: What was your process of going "From Wounded to Warrior"?

A: My journey to becoming a “Warrior” has been a literal fight. From an absentee father, molestation, suicidal thoughts, depression, failed friendships and relationships. The view of who I was had become cloudy. I began holding myself captive in my mind and keeping own self in bondage. I had to face the things I had been running from. I had to relive traumatic events that I hadn’t grieved or dealt with. I learned to be vulnerable with myself and God. I viewed being vulnerable as a weakness but being vulnerable with God was one of the best decisions I ever made; it unlocked levels of healing that I had been holding myself back from. All in all, my journey from “wounded to warrior” has been grueling but it was necessary. I’ve stopped looking for others to fight for me and starting fighting for myself.

Q: After surviving heartbreak, what does a healthy love look like to you?

A: The fact that I still believe in love blows my mind with all I have experienced. I know that I am loved by God but I want to be at a place where nothing would cause me to question it. Right now, I would have to say a “healthy” love for me would be able to love “freely” without restriction. Being able to reveal and share the inner most sacred things about myself feel SAFE AND still be seen as beautiful. That even the ugliest parts of me don’t change how you see me. A healthy love causes you to grow and makes you want to change. It challenges you and won’t allow you to settle. It helps you become the best version of yourself. It corrects, knows when to be stern and when to be gentle, & reminds you of who you are even when you forget.

Q: What are you most proud of?

A: I’m most proud of my Growth. I’ve have grown tremendously over the past couple of years in all areas of my life. We all have been on a journey to find ourselves. I thought I knew who I was before I got here but when I moved, I realized that I didn’t know me at all. I knew what I was capable of becoming and I have to admit that I was afraid to meet her. This woman I am right now I’m proud of her. All that I’ve endured just to meet her was worth it. The crazy part is I have only scratched the surface -there is still more of me to discover.

Q: What advice would you give someone who's struggling to overcome heartbreak or any obstacle you have overcome?

A: Whew chile! Grieve - whatever that looks like for you. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotion comes with it. Be honest with yourself and access your own soil. Know that it's okay to not be okay. No one knows what that heartbreak, disappointment, losing a friend, losing a job, failing after attempting to do something you've never done, or that divorce did to you; the depths of the hurt and pain it caused. Go to counseling. Be vulnerable with God, yourself and find someone you trust with the intimate details of yourself and that can handle your truth. You are not alone. Own your truth and don't give up. You may stop along the way, because it will get hard, but don't stay there too long. GET BACK UP!! You have a lot to offer!

This concludes the interview! I pray you all are encouraged and show some love and support! Until next week :) Again, Tasha's social media handles are as follows: Facebook: Tasha Marie ; Instagram: @_tasha_marie_ & @beyondthejaggedpieces.

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