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Writer's picture: Paris PreyearParis Preyear

WARRIOR Nation!! What’s up y’all! I know, I’m a late with the post –forgive me I have been under the weather therefore out of commission BUT I’m back now. Expect two blogs this month (this is really my September post) lol. Getting to the point here.

I’m sure many of us are well acquainted with the phrase “life happens.” Some days life happens and we’re able to “roll with the punches” and find the strength to keep going. While other times, it feels like you’re sinking in quick sand and you want to let it consume you and escape to the nearest black hole. The pain begins to metastasize, the smoke becomes oblivion, and void too big to fill. I’ve been there more times than I care to admit. Sadly, I think as a culture we have to become more familiar with transparency that has the ability to pull people out and less acquainted with the idolatry of lies and false narratives that submerge people further into unhealthy cycles. If James 5:16 encourages us to “confess your sins to one another and pray so that you may be healed” why do we shun those who shed light on what others capitalize on keeping in the dark.

Think about it, we are brought up to fight/fight back our opponents or get a whooping when you get home but as believers we don’t practice the same concept. We let the enemy take punch after punch and never even hit back, as if we don’t know how he’s coming to begin with. You see, we’ve gotten lazy with “God is going to fight my battles”, He is don’t get me wrong but that does not forsake you from working as well (James 2:18-26). Working is not you aiding Him in his will but adhering to his last command and obeying.

I know for me God was probably like I told that girl she’s victorious, a royal priesthood, & she keeps just giving him more access. I began to learn, the enemy is only shooting with precision because of the ammunition you [we] provided and the lens to gauge when you sat down in his last attempt. You see with every attempt he too is our checking responses. The more you settle in defeat the more he’ll attack in that area. Make up your mind to be the #WARRIOR you were created to be. After that, you are able to grab your armor and let God fight through you.

This month has plagued me over the course of the last four years. I’d lay in agony over the life that was taken prematurely, the lives robbed of memories, hearts robbed in grief and sadness, and my happily ever after robbed.

Since, I have been on an adventure to the discovery of Paris for a while. It’s been tedious and I’ve had to stop and pull up some roots along the way but the beauty of what sprouted after made it worthwhile. But, something shifted, the time had come to finally write a new narrative in ink! I was scared, ashamed, depressed, and extremely hesitant. The guilt and pain I’d been carrying was more comfortable than the crown that awaited me. Holy Spirit kept nudging at me to take a risk and do something completely out of the norm for myself and create new memories. Terrified of heights, I was reluctant but obeyed anyway.

As I climbed onto the plane, stomach in knots and heart in hand, praying not only that I didn’t die (lol) but that every ounce of brokenhearted be lifted by the time I hit the ground. By the time the door raised for me to jump out, I was completely calm and JUMPED. Single-handedly one of the best decisions of my life. Y’all, 14,000 feet in the air and I never felt so free or one with God. The view alone causes a paradigm shift. Truthfully, I was afraid that my living would somehow tarnish his absence. See, with grief (whether it be the loss of a loved one, friend, job, etc.) it has a way of highlighting the death more than the life that was actually lived.

I began to shed the layers of mourning to see morning! His legacy is exemplified in life not the glorification of his absence.

Just because the wound fades with time doesn’t mean the residue of what was isn’t still there. Memories are forever, it’s the still moments that try to encapsulate us to. Similarly, if you’ve endured an injury and it’s about to rain, you’ll begin to feel the aches and vibrations as if it’s the first day of impact. Use that as a sign of how far you have come and overcome rather than a marker of why you should regurgitate the initial incident.

My advice to you: push past your fears, take the climb, jump head first without hesitation, release all that has been holding you captive, open your eyes, and see that you too are FREE TO FLY!

As you begin to will yourself into healing you’ll discover the meaning of living! New memories don't erase the old ones or impair their significance.

We are all WARRIORS, once wounded, and awaiting our wings to S.O.A.R. – see opposition and rise.



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