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Writer's picture: Paris PreyearParis Preyear

Warrior Nation!! What’s up? I hope you all are well. This month has been quite eventful and as a result my brain has been super cluttered! From ideas, emotions, relationships, and etc. Nevertheless, we’re here, so let’s get to it.

My life has been a bit of a roller coaster since the beginning of the year. So, over the past few months I have been extremely reflective. In doing so I realized that I access my life regularly throughout a year [to figure out growth & appreciation points] but particularly in more in depths around this time of year. It’s so easy to welcome a new year in with bold declarations of what is to come, but when storms arise it’s hard to stand on them. I found myself in whirlwind after whirlwind and constantly being tried by fire; however, I discovered that I was more committed than ever before. Each trial had somehow made me more resilient than the one before. Not because I have it all together but because I am dedicated to my healing and becoming the best version of myself! Trust me, I remember in seasons past literally giving up at the mere thought of defeat! Now, I give it the gusto.

I’m saying all of that to say life is never going to be easy and the woes that come with it are unpredictable. Don’t give up; just go in. Remind yourself the warrior that lies within you. I know I have learned, the greater the pursuit (a life bound in Christ) the harder the attack. My vice is knowing that if you’re after me I must have something so valuable that people would rather to see it destroyed than manifested. Likewise, I’m going to share with you all seven major lessons I’ve learned thus far:

1. I didn’t need it anyway: Everything I thought I needed to sustain me (job, credentials, accolades, money, and etc.) I did not. For so much of my life I thought a nice job making six figures would be enough to ignite a level of happiness but negating everything I truly needed was on the inside of me and locked in “community.”

2. How to wait while waiting: Y’all! Patience has never been my strong suit but this year has skilled me in it. Truth be told, I didn’t wait well in any situation and there’s an immense difference in waiting (impatiently) and waiting well. I realized a lot of times I was impatient because I didn’t see fruit. Y’all, hear me, fruit is NOT always tangible!! I would pray for things and get so upset and frustrated. However, God was training me to see that, “Paris the first and most important manifestation is inward.” I started to receive more grace, greater endurance, more joy, tenacity, and that is irreplaceable. We have to have a paradigm shift and understand complaining does not change a situation; if anything it prolongs it. God only responds to His word and so does hell. So if you want to progress and see things come into fruition, stop complaining and wait well.

3. The victory in vulnerability: This particular lesson is a whole lot for the kid. I have been a person who’s prided themselves on being strong and having it “all together or figured out.” What does that even mean? We are all in processes and will be being processed until Jesus comes so the idea that we must figure out life and then live seems a bit much to me now. Adopting this principle came with an immense amount of false strength. I never wanted to let anyone see the softer side of me because it was always deemed weak or overly sensitive. Carrying all that weight will make you burst at the seams (just what happened to me). I finally came to the resolve the vulnerability is necessary. We should always have at least one person who is able to walk through life with us and share our truths with. There is so much power in releasing! This year has taught me that even when I release everything I have, I serve a God that loves me enough to pour back into me that and then some. #MoreThanEnough

4. The truth in trust: This lesson pairs with lesson #3 greatly. Along with being vulnerable I realized I didn’t know how to trust. I would give people test (they didn’t even know about) to figure them out in hopes of not being hurt. This was rooted in years of trauma, so I felt the need to safeguard my heart. I’m not saying trust everyone without boundaries, I’m saying you have to be willing to give some of yourself. Every relationship comes with boundaries, not borders and barricades! I built a wall no one could get over and essentially I couldn’t get out of. Be true to who you are and trust people to be who they are. Nothing in life comes without risk! Take the chance so that you are able to find your tribe because everyone does not want to hurt you.

5. Commanding my day: With more time on my hands I have learned the importance of optimizing my day for productivity. We often times ask or desire these extravagant things or have enormous dreams but never put our hands to plow. We must be willing to sacrifice and maximize every moment! Nothing is too small. #GOALdigger

6. How to receive: Sheesh! I thought vulnerability was tough but this learning how to receive help thing is still an area I am growing in. I never truly noticed how bad it was until this year and people would try to sow into me and I would literally reject it. I’ll never forget someone sowing a random seed telling me I was good ground & I was about to refund it. In my head, I’m like why would they do this? What do they need from me? I’m no charity case. When a rational person would be like oh thanks and keep moving. For me, I struggled with not being able to figure things out on my own and being strong so any time someone wanted to do so I instantly channeled that as incompetency and inadequacy. Truth of the matter is, we’ve all been in places where we needed help in some form or another. Everyone that gives is not looking for a photo opp, moment to tear you down, or to hang a debt over your head. Most just see you and who you are to become and want to pour out on you. Don’t reject the help God is sending! Just as much as it’s a blessing to you, it’s a blessing for them to be able to do so. Thank God for people who see AND believe in you (in your now and propel you to your next).

7. Feasting: This seventh and final lesson has been probably the most invigorating. I have learned that even when I try to hide or neglect my gifting God will uncover it and bring it forward to be seen. Not for notoriety but for expansion of His kingdom and agenda (this is NOT limited to the four walls of the church either.) By feasting, I’m basically saying that when you pull your chair up to the table & KNOW you belong there and have the right to eat! [Psalm 23:5-6] Don’t sit on your gifts rather sit WITH them. You are needed and necessary. Your gifts will make room for you.

Of all these seven lessons, I’ve learned an even greater lesson –how to invoke my task manager. “Ctrl + alt + del.” He facilitates every session (season) I may be in so the best thing I can do is use this safety measure to control the emotions when I seemed to be tied up and needed a restart (reset), alternate (modify) my actions for a better functioning system, and delete everything that is not like Him and has served its purpose in a previous season but not needed in my next. See, we are much like the devices we have grown to love over the era of technological innovation. Multifaceted systems and processes with varying features but all unable to function without a hard drive. What or who is driving you? There are no shortcuts in life but there are certain keys we are able to press in order activate an “end task” administer or system processor who is able take proper precaution and preventive measures to funnel our full restoration without the intention of completely shutting you down. We are warriors with access to heaven and kingdom resources, all we need to do know our hard drive and watch Him work, effortlessly. #WoundedTurnedWarrior #WarriorEffect



Paris Preyear
Paris Preyear
Aug 13, 2019

Oh wow! Thank you so much for this!! I’m blessed and honored to be able to share my truth and liberate someone else! ♥️🦋


Aug 13, 2019

When I tell you I felt that and I've lived in those moments....

Healing is a process that takes you through many different avenues but the aftermath is so rewarding. I'm so grateful for my blessings and my lessons! Your testimonies are giving life to many! Keep sharing and walking into all that God has for you!


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